Components / Design System

Work In Progressv1.0






Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

Numeric (experimenting)

1 AU = 1,495978707x1011 m




Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.


Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.


Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.


Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

Text size 7

Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

Text size 6

Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

Text size 5

Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

Text size 4

Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

Text size 3

Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

Text size 2

Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

Text size 1

Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

Text gradient

Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.


Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.


Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

BigNum (WIP)

1 AU = 1,495978707x1011 m

BigNum Outline (Experimenting)

1 AU = 1,495978707x1011 m
1 AU = 1,495978707x1011 m


TwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of twitter.comTwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of twitter.comTwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of twitter.comTwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of twitter.comTwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of twitter.comTwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of twitter.comTwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of
TwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of twitter.comTwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of twitter.comTwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of twitter.comTwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of twitter.comTwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of twitter.comGithubThe outline of an Octocat, the logo of github.comGithubThe outline of an Octocat, the logo of github.comGithubThe outline of an Octocat, the logo of github.comGithubThe outline of an Octocat, the logo of github.comGithubThe outline of an Octocat, the logo of github.comContactAn icon representing a letter in the shape of a paper planeContactAn icon representing a letter in the shape of a paper planeContactAn icon representing a letter in the shape of a paper planeContactAn icon representing a letter in the shape of a paper planeContactAn icon representing a letter in the shape of a paper planeMapAn icon representing an unfolded paper mapMapAn icon representing an unfolded paper mapMapAn icon representing an unfolded paper mapMapAn icon representing an unfolded paper mapMapAn icon representing an unfolded paper mapExternal ArrowAn icon representing an arrow pointing diagonally towards the top right corner of the screenExternal ArrowAn icon representing an arrow pointing diagonally towards the top right corner of the screenExternal ArrowAn icon representing an arrow pointing diagonally towards the top right corner of the screenExternal ArrowAn icon representing an arrow pointing diagonally towards the top right corner of the screenExternal ArrowAn icon representing an arrow pointing diagonally towards the top right corner of the screenMapAn icon representing an unfolded paper mapMapAn icon representing an unfolded paper mapMapAn icon representing an unfolded paper mapMapAn icon representing an unfolded paper mapMapAn icon representing an unfolded paper mapEnter ArrowAn icon representing an a twisted arrow like the one used on the enter key for most keyboardEnter ArrowAn icon representing an a twisted arrow like the one used on the enter key for most keyboardEnter ArrowAn icon representing an a twisted arrow like the one used on the enter key for most keyboardEnter ArrowAn icon representing an a twisted arrow like the one used on the enter key for most keyboardEnter ArrowAn icon representing an a twisted arrow like the one used on the enter key for most keyboardArrowAn icon representing an arrowArrowAn icon representing an arrowArrowAn icon representing an arrowArrowAn icon representing an arrowArrowAn icon representing an arrowPortfolioAn icon representing a folderPortfolioAn icon representing a folderPortfolioAn icon representing a folderPortfolioAn icon representing a folderPortfolioAn icon representing a folderPlayAn icon representing the play symbol, a triangle pointing to the rightPlayAn icon representing the play symbol, a triangle pointing to the rightPlayAn icon representing the play symbol, a triangle pointing to the rightPlayAn icon representing the play symbol, a triangle pointing to the rightPlayAn icon representing the play symbol, a triangle pointing to the rightPauseAn icon representing the pause symbol, 2 vertical barsPauseAn icon representing the pause symbol, 2 vertical barsPauseAn icon representing the pause symbol, 2 vertical barsPauseAn icon representing the pause symbol, 2 vertical barsPauseAn icon representing the pause symbol, 2 vertical barsRepeatAn icon representing an arrow twisted so it makes a loopRepeatAn icon representing an arrow twisted so it makes a loopRepeatAn icon representing an arrow twisted so it makes a loopRepeatAn icon representing an arrow twisted so it makes a loopRepeatAn icon representing an arrow twisted so it makes a loopInfoAn icon representing the letter ‘i‘ in a circleInfoAn icon representing the letter ‘i‘ in a circleInfoAn icon representing the letter ‘i‘ in a circleInfoAn icon representing the letter ‘i‘ in a circleInfoAn icon representing the letter ‘i‘ in a circleAlertAn icon representing an exclamation mark in an octogoneAlertAn icon representing an exclamation mark in an octogoneAlertAn icon representing an exclamation mark in an octogoneAlertAn icon representing an exclamation mark in an octogoneAlertAn icon representing an exclamation mark in an octogoneStackAn icon representing 3 tiles on top of each otherStackAn icon representing 3 tiles on top of each otherStackAn icon representing 3 tiles on top of each otherStackAn icon representing 3 tiles on top of each otherStackAn icon representing 3 tiles on top of each other


Shadow 0
Shadow 1
Shadow 2
Shadow 3
Custom Shadow 0
Custom Shadow 1
Custom Shadow 2
Custom Shadow 3


  • ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
  • ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
  • ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
  1. ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
  2. ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
  3. ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
  • ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
    1. ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
    2. ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
    3. ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
  • ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
    • ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
    • ArrowAn icon representing an arrow
    • ArrowAn icon representing an arrow



Form Components


Base Card
Title for the card
Card with title prop
Some Custom Header
Card With Custom Header
Card With custom Body
Card depth=0
Card depth=1
Card depth=2
Card depth=3


TwitterThe outline of a blue bird, the logo of Hover Me!


Info Pill
Success Pill
Warning Pill
Danger Pill


Almost before we knew it, we had left the ground.

Inline Code

const foo = () => 'bar'

Code Block


console.log("hello world")
* Some comments
function sayHi(name) {
var message = `hi ${name}`
return message;

With title and highlighting

Code snippet title

console.log("hello world")
* Some comments
function sayHi(name) {
var message = `hi ${name}`
return message;

Sandpack Code Block

import { motion } from 'framer-motion';
import './scene.css';

const WavingHand = () => {
  console.log('hello world');

  return (
        marginBottom: '-20px',
        marginRight: '-45px',
        paddingBottom: '20px',
        paddingRight: '45px',
        display: 'inline-block',
      animate={{ rotate: 20 }}
        yoyo: Infinity,
        from: 0,
        duration: 0.2,
        ease: 'easeInOut',
        type: 'tween',

const Hi = () => (
    Hi <WavingHand /> !

export default Hi;


Command Center / Search


24h dans le volume d'une Fiat 500 avec trois amis et pourtant on se sent comme chez soi... à 400 km d'altitude ! Superbe performance technique et opérationelle de toutes les équipes qui nous ont entrainés et encadrés pour ce voyage 👏

24h dans le volume d'une Fiat 500 avec trois amis et pourtant on se sent comme chez soi... à 400 km d'altitude ! Superbe performance technique et opérationelle de toutes les équipes qui nous ont entrainés et encadrés pour ce voyage 👏


Diagram showcasing the process of applying the 4x4 Bayer Matrix on the input buffer of a scene and obtaining the dithering pattern based on the threshold value matching each pixel

Before / After Image

ArrowAn icon representing an arrowArrowAn icon representing an arrow
Screenshot showcasing the blue noise dithering applied to our cloud scene