Generate screenshots of your code with a serverless function
June 9, 2020 / 10 min read
Last Updated: June 9, 2020I was recently looking for ways to automate sharing code snippets, I thought that generating these code snippets images by calling a serverless function could be a pretty cool use case to apply some of the serverless concepts and tricks I've learned the past few months. My aim here was to be able to send a file or the string of a code snippet to an endopoint that would call a function and get back the base64 string representing the screenshot of that same code snippet. I could then put that base 64 string inside a png file and get an image. Sounds awesome right? Well, in this post I'll describe how I built this!
The plan
I've used quite a bit in the past, and I noticed that the code snippet and the settings I set on the website are automatically added as query parameters to the URL.
E.g. you can navigate to for example and see the string "foobar" present in the code snippet generated.
Thus to automate the process of generating a code source image from this website, I needed to do the following:
- Call the cloud function: via a POST request and pass either a file or a base64 string representing the code that I wanted the screenshot of. I could additionally add some extra query parameters to set up the background, the drop shadow, or any Carbon option.
- Generate the Carbon URL: to put it simply here, decode the base64 or get the file content from the payload of the incoming request, parse the other query parameters and create the equivalent URL.
- Take the screenshot: use a chrome headless browser to navigate to the generated URL and take the screenshot.
- Send back the screenshot as a response to the request.
Foundational work: sending the data and generating the URL
The first step involved figuring out what kind of request I wanted to handle and I settled for the following patterns:
- Sending a file over POST
curl -X POST -F data=@./path/to/file
- Sending a string over POST
curl -X POST -d "data=Y29uc29sZS5sb2coImhlbGxvIHdvcmxkIik="
This way I could either send a whole file or a string to the endpoint, and the cloud function could handle both cases. For this part, I used formidable which provided an easy way to handle file upload for my serverless function.
Once the data was received by the function, it needed to be "translate" to a valid carbon URL. I wrote the following function getCarbonUrl
to take care of that:
Implementation of getCarbonUrl
1const mapOptionstoCarbonQueryParams = {2backgroundColor: 'bg',3dropShadow: 'ds',4dropShadowBlur: 'dsblur',5dropShadowOffsetY: 'dsyoff',6exportSize: 'es',7fontFamily: 'fm',8fontSize: 'fs',9language: 'l',10lineHeight: 'lh',11lineNumber: 'ln',12paddingHorizontal: 'ph',13paddingVertical: 'pv',14theme: 't',15squaredImage: 'si',16widthAdjustment: 'wa',17windowControl: 'wc',18watermark: 'wm',19windowTheme: 'wt',20};2122const BASE_URL = '';2324const defaultQueryParams = {25bg: '#FFFFFF',26ds: false,27dsblur: '50px',28dsyoff: '20px',29es: '2x',30fm: 'Fira Code',31fs: '18px',32l: 'auto',33lh: '110%',34ln: false,35pv: '0',36ph: '0',37t: 'material',38si: false,39wa: true,40wc: true,41wt: 'none',42wm: false,43};4445const toCarbonQueryParam = (options) => {46const newObj = Object.keys(options).reduce((acc, curr) => {47/**48* Go through the options and map them with their corresponding49* carbon query param key.50*/51const carbonConfigKey = mapOptionstoCarbonQueryParams[curr];52if (!carbonConfigKey) {53return acc;54}5556/**57* Assign the value of the option to the corresponding58* carbon query param key59*/60return {61...acc,62[carbonConfigKey]: options[curr],63};64}, {});6566return newObj;67};6869export const getCarbonURL = (source, options) => {70/**71* Merge the default query params with the ones that we got72* from the options object.73*/74const carbonQueryParams = {75...defaultQueryParams,76...toCarbonQueryParam(options),77};7879/**80* Make the code string url safe81*/82const code = encodeURIComponent(source);8384/**85* Stringify the code string and the carbon query params object to get the proper86* query string to pass87*/88const queryString = qs.stringify({ code, ...carbonQueryParams });8990/**91* Return the concatenation of the base url and the query string92*/93return `${BASE_URL}?${queryString}`;94};
This function takes care of:
- making the "code string" URL safe using
to encode any special characters of the string - detecting the language: for this I could either look for any
query param, or fall back toauto
which and let carbon figure out the language. - taking the rest of the query string and append them to the URL
Thanks to this, I was able to get a valid Carbon URL š. Now to automate the rest, I would need to paste the URL in a browser which would give the corresponding image of it and take a screenshot. This is what the next part is about.
Running a headless Chrome in a serverless function
This step is the core and most interesting part of this implementation. I was honestly pretty mind blown to learn that it is possible to run a headless chrome browser in a serverless function to begin with. For this, I used chrome-aws-lambda which despite its name or what's specified in the README of the project, seems to work really well on any serverless provider (in the next part you'll see that I used Vercel to deploy my function, and I was able to get this package running on it without any problem). This step also involves using puppeteer-core to start the browser and take the screenshot:
Use chrome-aws-lambda and puppeteer-core to take a screenshot of a webpage
1import chrome from 'chrome-aws-lambda';2import puppeteer from 'puppeteer-core';34const isDev = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development';56/**7* In order to have the function working in both windows and macOS8* we need to specify the respecive path of the chrome executable for9* both cases.10*/11const exePath =12process.platform === 'win32'13? 'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe'14: '/Applications/Google Chrome';1516export const getOptions = async (isDev) => {17/**18* If used in a dev environment, i.e. locally, use one of the local19* executable path20*/21if (isDev) {22return {23args: [],24executablePath: exePath,25headless: true,26};27}28/**29* Else, use the path of chrome-aws-lambda and its args30*/31return {32args: chrome.args,33executablePath: await chrome.executablePath,34headless: chrome.headless,35};36};3738export const getScreenshot = async (url) => {39const options = await getOptions(isDev);40const browser = await puppeteer.launch(options);41const page = await browser.newPage();4243/**44* Here we set the viewport manually to a big resolution45* to ensure the target,i.e. our code snippet image is visible46*/47await page.setViewport({48width: 2560,49height: 1080,50deviceScaleFactor: 2,51});5253/**54* Navigate to the url generated by getCarbonUrl55*/56await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: 'load' });5758const exportContainer = await page.waitForSelector('#export-container');59const elementBounds = await exportContainer.boundingBox();6061if (!elementBounds)62throw new Error('Cannot get export container bounding box');6364const buffer = await exportContainer.screenshot({65encoding: 'binary',66clip: {67...elementBounds,68/**69* Little hack to avoid black borders:70**/72x: Math.round(elementBounds.x),73height: Math.round(elementBounds.height) - 1,74},75});7677/**78* Return the buffer representing the screenshot79*/80return buffer;81};
Let's dive in the different steps that are featured in the code snippet above:
- Get the different options for puppeteer (we get the proper executable paths based on the environment)
- Start the headless chrome browser
- Set the viewport. I set it to something big to make sure that the target is contained within the browser "window".
- Navigate to the URL we generated in the previous step
- Look for an HTML element with the id
, this is the div that contains our image. - Get the
of the element (see documentation for bounding box here) which gave me the coordinates and the width/height of the target element. - Pass the boundingBox fields as options of the screenshot function and take the screenshot. This eventually returns a binary buffer that can then be returned back as is, or converted to base64 string for instance.

Deploying on Vercel with Now
Now that the function was built, it was deployment time š! I chose to give Vercel a try to test and deploy this serverless function on their service. However, there was a couple of things I needed to do first:
- Put all my code in an
folder - Create a file with the main request handler function as default export. I called my file
hence users wanting to call this cloud function would have to call the/api/carbonara
endpoint. - Put all the rest of the code in a
folder to prevent any exported functions to be listed as an endpoint.
Then, using the Vercel CLI I could both:
- Run my function locally using
vercel dev
- Deploy my function to prod using
vercel --prod
Try it out!
You can try this serverless function using the following curl command:
Sample curl command to call the serverless function
1curl -d "data=Y29uc29sZS5sb2coImhlbGxvIHdvcmxkIik=" -X POST
If you want to deploy it on your own Vercel account, simply click the button bellow and follow the steps:
Otherwise, you can find all the code featured in this post in this Github repository.
What will I do with this?
After reading all this you might be asking yourself: "But Maxime, what are you going to do with this? And why did you put this in a serverless function to begin with?". Here's a list of the few use cases I might have for this function:
- To generate images for my meta tags for some articles or snippets (I already do this now š Tweet from @MaximeHeckel
- To be able to generate carbon images from the CLI and share them with my team at work or other developers quickly
- Enable a "screenshot" option for the code snippets in my blog posts so my readers could easily download code screenshots.
- Many other ideas that I'm still working on right now!
But, regardless of its usefulness or the number of use cases I could find for this serverless function, the most important is that I had a lot of fun building this and that I learned quite a few things. I'm now definitely sold on serverless and can't wait to come up with new ideas.
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Have a wonderful day.
ā Maxime
Programmatic Carbon images generation from a simple API